Dashboards & Modules

Lab Manager: The Lab Manager dashboard serves as a high-level overview on the top 6 KPIs within the microbiology lab. This dashboard is meant to give a snapshot view of important pieces of information like positivity rate, contamination rates, time-to-result, and more!

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Blood Culture: The Blood Culture area contains 3 distinct dashboards: a high-level analysis page, bottle fill volume, and contaminants. All three dashboards contain robust graphs, tables, and stand-out KPIs to allow for easier analysis on data derived from your bioMérieux blood culture system.

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ID/AST: Using the information derived from your VITEK® ID/AST systems, the ID/AST dashboards are filled with a wealth of information— touching on the number of ID/AST results, organism occurrence, and MDRO phenotypes.

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Antibiogram: The antibiogram within MYLA Lab Analytics is in the standard tabular format, but has been color-coded to note susceptibility profiles of the specific isolates. This easy-to-understand antibiogram reduces the need for data mining, allowing the user to focus time on more pressing activities.

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Lab Efficiency: The lab efficiency dashboards contain key data on workload and workflow, highlighting information like mean load times, time-to-results, and a VITEK® MS spotting analysis.

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