woman performing tests in lab
3. Select your top 5 organisms and enter the isolates per year or use the prepopulated values.

Time Comparison Results

Hospital Name


Time Savings unknown Hours

Time Savings unknown Hours

Time Savings unknown Hours



Detection times are based on results from a seeded study comparing clinically relevant microorganisms and may vary in the laboratory setting.1

About the Study

The referenced study was a simulated blood culture study designed to compare the time to detection for 33 clinically relevant organisms with the three different blood culture systems.

Study Design

  • BACT/ALERT® 3D and VIRTUO® with BACT/ALERT® FA Plus, FN Plus, and PF Plus blood culture media
  • BACTEC FX with BACTEC Plus Aerobic/F, Plus Anaerobic/F, and Peds Plus/F blood culture media
  • Human blood from refrigerated banked healthy donor
  • 30 CFU for each organism
  • 14 Gram-negative organisms
  • 14 Gram-positive organisms
  • Incubated until signaled positive or up to 5 days

1. Menchinelli G, Liotti FM, Fiori B, et al. In vitro Evaluation of BACT/ALERT® VIRTUO®, BACT/ALERT 3D®, and BACTEC FX Automated Blood Culture Systems for Detection of Microbial Pathogens Using Simulated Human Blood Samples. Front Microbiol. 2019;10:1-9. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2019.00221.
